Watch this illustrated talk by Alexandra Caccamo, Librarian at the National Botanic Gardens, who discusses the work of Lydia Shackleton and Alice Jacob, specifically their paintings of orchids. Both artists featured in our exhibition Drawn from Nature: Irish Botanical Art (on view until 30 August 2020).
Drawn from Nature celebrated three centuries of Irish botanical art. The exhibition included drawings, watercolours, prints, and illustrated publications dating from the 1700s to the modern day. The backgrounds, motivations, and methods of the artists exhibited are diverse. Yet all are connected by a shared desire to observe, record, and advance our knowledge of the natural world.
In this special illustrated talk, Alexandra Caccamo, Librarian at the National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin, discusses the Garden's collection of botanical art. Alexandra looks especially at the work of Lydia Shackleton and Alice Jacob; both artists feature in our exhibition Drawn from Nature.
Drawn from Nature: Irish Botanical Art is in on display in our Print Gallery until 30 August 2020. Admission free.
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