Looking beyond the surface, thinking about how things came to be, and re-interpreting and using story to communicate.
A group of four young women - Heidi, Kelis, Lexie and Ruby - worked with artist Bryony Hussey and youth workers from SWAN Youth Service to create artworks that re-tell the Prodigal story. The artworks were made in response to the Gallery's exhibition Murillo: The Prodigal Son Restored and to the biblical parable of the Prodigal Son. The group investigated what the Prodigal story might look like if it took place in 2020 in Dublin, Ireland.
Due to the coronavirus outbreak, the workshops were delivered online, over five weeks, during Ireland’s national lockdown in 2020.
In this short video, below, the women's artworks are seen inside the walls of SWAN Youth Service, where they met each week.
Supported by:
Bryony Hussey, artist and facilitator
Evelyn Regan, SWAN youth worker
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