Caravaggio 25 Years: Display

Giovanni Pietro Bellori (1613–1696) Le Vite de Pittori, Scultori et Architetti (2nd edition, Rome 1728)
Giovanni Pietro Bellori (1613–1696) Le Vite de Pittori, Scultori et Architetti (2nd edition, Rome 1728). Image © National Gallery of Ireland

14 November 2018 – 25 February 2019
Room 41 | Free admission

This fascinating display revealed the hidden history of Caravaggio's masterpiece The Taking of Christ through photographs, ephemera and rare books. Covering the dramatic rediscovery of the 'lost' painting in 1990, its fascinating provenance, and its continuing impact on visitors to the Gallery, this display contextualised the painting and its place in Ireland.

Curators | Adrian Le Harivel and Leah Benson, National Gallery of Ireland

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