Beth Stallard (Dublin, b. 2002)

Birds-eye view of white sneakers standing on a rainbow-coloured rectangle. The words like minded are spelled out in Scrabble tiles.
Beth Stallard (Dublin, b.2002), Us (detail), 2019. © Beth Stallard



Photography and recorded reflections

This work captures the positive experiences of young LGBTQIA+ people and explores their ideas for the future they would like to see.

Collage of framed photographs of white text on black backgrounds Beth Stallard (Dublin, b.2002), Us (detail), 2019. © Beth Stallard
Collage of framed photographs of black text on white backgrounds Beth Stallard (Dublin, b.2002), Us (detail), 2019. © Beth Stallard
Installation shot of white bust on a white plinth with rainbow coloured strings trailing from the bust's hand to the floor Beth Stallard (Dublin, b.2002), Us, 2019. © Beth Stallard



Mannequin, papier-mâché, wool, framed artwork

LGBTQIA+ young people deserve the freedom to walk down the street holding hands with the person they love without fearing for their safety. This artwork captures the homophobia experienced by LGBTQIA+ young people in Ireland by inscribing statistics on a body that reaches out to share personal stories. The work confronts the reality that despite progress marked by, for example, Marriage Equality and the Gender Recognition Act, many LGBTQIA+ young people still worry about offending people, are scared of rejection from friends and family, and fear violence against them.


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