A black and white photograph of young man in jeans and a shirt sitting on a wooden chair, looking at the camera. One arm rests on the back of the chair.
Leo Byrne, Sheik Mikailu Bah, 2022

Leo Byrne

Sheik Mikailu Bah, 2022

Photograph | Unframed: 120 x 85 cm; Framed: 122.5 x 88.5 cm 

‘I met Sheik as he was preparing for his part in the play Absent the Wrong. We shot in a derelict building on Fitzwilliam Square. We discussed theatre, acting and his love of dance. We spoke about his fellow cast mates and the themes of the play. Our conversation, the room and his energy combined to make this image. Through my lens, I seek to capture the beauty of my subjects and, in the process, uncover emotions below the surface. ’ 

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