The subject of the portrait is standing side-on to the viewer, but his head is turned to look directly at us. He wears a navy woollen jumper.
Comhghall Casey (b.1976), Self-Portrait, 2018. © Comhghall Casey. Photo © National Gallery of Ireland, Photographer: Roy Hewson.

Comhghall Casey

Self-Portrait, 2018

Oil on canvas, 45 x 35 cm

‘This self-portrait (painted at the age of 42) is part of an ongoing series. I have completed at least one painted self-portrait each year since I was in my early teens. I study my reflection in a mirror in a process of concentrated close observation. The series records some of the physical and mental processes of aging and my changing technical abilities and artistic inclinations.’


Comhghall Casey is from Omagh, Co. Tyrone. He graduated from the Belfast School of Art in 1998. In addition to numerous solo shows he has regularly exhibited at the RHA and is an Associate Member of the RUA. His work has also been selected for the RA Summer Exhibition, London and the BP Portrait Awards at the National Portrait Gallery, London. Among other awards, Casey received the Hennessy Craig scholarship at the 2008 RHA Annual Exhibition. His work is represented in collections including the National Self-Portrait Collection of Ireland and Queen’s University Belfast. He currently lives and works in Dublin.


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