The viewer is looking in through the window of a house at night. A man stands in the illuminated window of a dining room, gazing out, hands behind his back.
Niamh Smith, Home, Soft Focus Life, Cocooning, 2020. © Niamh Smith.

Niamh Smith

Home, Soft Focus Life, Cocooning, 2020

Photograph, 74 x 107 cm

This portrait is part of a series of work titled Home, Soft Focus Life. a series of work titled

The artist notes, “The scene is a transformation of the everyday banal and isolation felt in an obscure time of uncertainty. This ordinary moment is expressed by a sombre colour palette that paints with feeling and inspires emotion.” This 95-year-old grandfather, Eugene, was shot from an intimate distance. A decisive moment is captured, which creates a spiritual experience and awakens reflection during a macabre time.


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