A graphite and pastel portrait of a white haired man. He has deep lines on his face, and a smile plays around his mouth. His eyes are narrowed, as though shading from the sunshine, and he looks off to the right. He is wearing a hoodie layered over a t-shirt and a shirt.
Mathews Pascoal De Leon (Dublin, aged 17), Bro Fred's Portrait, 2019.

Mathews Pascoal De Leon (aged 17)

Bro Fred's Portrait

Graphite and pastel, pencil on paper 

Mathews (17, Dublin) says: "My portrait is of Brother Fred Rech who founded the school that I have just graduated from. He is a very special and inspirational person. He has enriched the lives of many students including myself. Through my drawing of him I wanted to capture the sense of his very gentle and wonderful character."


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