Discover more about Lavinia Fontana's studio practice.
As part of the recent Lavinia Fontana Conservation and Research Project, the team carried out technical and scientific analysis of Fontana's painting The Visit of the Queen of Sheba to King Solomon (1599) as well as art-historical research.
This work has offered us a fascinating glimpse into the artist's studio practice during her final years in Bologna, as well as revealing hidden details of the painting.
Fontana's Preparations
The steps Lavinia Fontana took before starting the painting.
Fontana's Palette
Discover the pigments that Lavinia Fontana used.
Fontana's Technique
Lavinia Fontana's masterful depiction of ornate fabrics.
Fontana's Changes
Technical imaging reveals Fontana's changes of mind.
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Videos: Lavinia Fontana Conservation and Research Project
Watch the latest short film about this project.
Conservation treatment of Lavinia Fontana's painting
From stabilisation to retouching to repairing the frame.