What's on

  1. Children drawing int he National Gallery of Ireland


    Sunday Family Drop-in Workshop

    08 September 11.30 - 13.30

    Join us for this free creative workshop

  2. A family in the Millennium Wing. © National Gallery of Ireland.


    Public Tour: Family Tour

    08 September 13.00 - 14.00

    Join us for a special tour designed for children and their guardians, parents and carers.

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    Public Tour: Sculpture

    08 September 14.30 - 15.30

    Join us for a free guided tour exploring sculpture in the Gallery's permanent collection.

  4. A painting of a woman dressed in white, including a white bonnet, sitting at a table reading a book. Behind her, we see a tree, greenery and a building in the distance; in front of her on the table, a teacup and plate.


    Talk: Music of Impressionist Paris

    08 September 15.30 - 16.30

    A talk with Adrian Le Harivel

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    Public Tour: New Parents' Tour

    09 September 14.00 - 15.00

    A free guided tour for young children and their carers, guardians, and parents.

  6. A woman in a blue printed dress sits at a writing desk, a letter before her. She is licking an envelope; behind her, the wall is covered in floral paper.


    Talk and Tea: Curating Women Impressionists

    10 September 11.00 - 12.00

    An in-person talk with curator Janet McLean

  7. Gilded altarpiece showing Angel Gabriel telling Mary she will have a son.


    Pop-up Talk: Yverni's The Annunciation

    10 September 13.15 - 13.45

    A free lunchtime talk

  8. Two women sit in a row boat with two children. The children are naked, and one is trailing her feet in the water. The women are dressed in yellow, pink and white.


    Public Tour: Women Impressionists

    10 September 14.00 - 15.00

    A free guided tour looking at our new exhibition

  9. An etching showing a woman bathing in a wash basin on a dresser. Her dress - pink, green, white stripes - is pulled down around her waist and her head is bent over the basin, reflected in the mirror before her. A large jug is at her feet.


    Film Screening: Mary Cassatt - Painting the Modern Woman

    11 September 11.00 - 13.00

    Join us for a special screening of this 'Exhibitions on Screen' production.

    €8 - €10
  10. Painting of a group of five sheep sitting in a wheat field under a full moon.


    Public Tour: ISL Tour of In Real Life

    12 September 18.00 - 19.00

    A free tour in Irish Sign Language
