Sir Denis Mahon library and archive

Rare books in the Sir Denis Mahon Library
Rare books in the Sir Denis Mahon Library. Photo © National Gallery of Ireland.


Sir Denis Mahon (1910-2011), pictured below, was one of the foremost scholars and collectors of his generation. Born in London of Anglo-Irish descent, he had a long and close association with the National Gallery of Ireland. In 2010 Sir Denis presented his entire personal library and archive to the Gallery. The books and documentation represent decades of research and scholarship particularly in the area of Italian Baroque art. This remarkable gift greatly enhances the research resources relating to European art available in Ireland.

The collection is currently being processed by a team of library and archive staff. New items from the Sir Denis Mahon library are added to the online catalogue each week. You can find both rare and modern books on the library catalogue and are welcome to view them by appointment. While the Sir Denis Mahon archive is being processed it is not open to researchers. However you can see a selection of material from the archive during tours and open days held throughout the year.

For further information contact: 

T: + 353 1 6633546       E: [email protected]

Photographic portrait of Denis Mahon seated at a desk

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