Sir Denis Mahon Reading Room

Sir Denis Mahon Reading Room, 2015
© National Gallery of Ireland.

Sir Denis Mahon Reading Room, located in No. 90 Merrion Square, opened in 2015 thanks to the generous support of the Sir Denis Mahon Charitable Trust.

The reading room has been established in honour of Sir Denis’ contribution to the Gallery’s art and research collections. It is an invaluable resource for researchers who wish to consult items of particular rarity and significance in the Gallery’s research collections and provides a wonderful space for conducting tours and showcasing the library and archive collections. The Reading Room also regularly hosts seminars and talks.

For further information contact: 

T: + 353 16633546    E: [email protected]

A display of books and archives in the Sir Denis Mahon Reading Room. © National Gallery of Ireland
Viewing material in the Sir Denis Mahon Reading Room. © National Gallery of Ireland

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