Debbie Godsell (b. 1973), Prism, 2017. © Debbie Godsell. Photo © National Gallery of Ireland.
Debbie Godsell (b. 1973), Prism, 2017. © Debbie Godsell. Photo © National Gallery of Ireland.

Debbie Godsell

Prism, 2017

Photo screen print, 28 x 91cm

"The prism is used as a metaphor for nearly everything. It can describe a way of looking or thinking about something that may cause you to understand things in a different way. I have created a photo-screen print of my son gazing at the viewer through a prism. The intention was to make the viewer aware of being gazed at instead of the other way around. How do we look at my son through his prism? Who exactly is he seeing? How do we choose to present ourselves to him? It all depends on how the light refracts and bounces. No matter where the prism is placed the light passing through it has a different reflection. We look different each time, impossible to exactly pin down."


Debbie Godsell graduated with a Masters in Fine Art Research in 2002 from CCAD. Since then she has been working fulltime as an artist and an art educator, specialising in printmaking. Her work is widely collected in Ireland, and features in the collections of, among others, the OPW, Crawford Municipal Gallery, Universities of Cork and Dublin, Cork Opera House and the Port of Cork. She was a recipient of the Cork County Arts Office Tyrone Guthrie Bursary Award in 2017. Debbie recently curated and exhibited in ‘Visions of Half Light’, Macroom Town Hall Gallery, funded by Cork County Arts office (July 2018). Other recent exhibitions include ‘Site’, Doswell Gallery (2018) and ‘The infinite Whatever’ at the Garter Lane Arts Centre and Cork Printmakers Gallery (2017).


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