Fionn McCann (b. 1973), Cezanne’s Apple, 2018. © Fionn McCann.
Fionn McCann (b. 1973), Cezanne’s Apple, 2018. © Fionn McCann.

Fionn McCann

Cézanne’s Apple, 2018

Photograph, 60 x 48 cm

‘A portrait is not made in the camera but on either side of it.’
(Edward Steichen)

"Cézanne’s Apple is one of a series of photographic portraits I have done, intermittently, of the artist Brian O’ Doherty over the past ten years. This part of the series was carried out in April 2018, when Brian was attending a series of exhibitions of his work in Ireland.’


Fionn McCann’s work is varied but concentrates on the relationship between the built environment and the surrounding landscape. He also has a special interest in portraiture, in particular the demands of dealing with a person in a compressed space of time. That is one of its major challenges and why he generally likes to work in series. It allows the subject to be explored in more depth and from a greater variety of perspectives


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