Episode 5: Slieve Donard, Mourne Mountains, Co. Down
With Dara McAnulty, autistic naturalist and environmental campaigner.
In this series, artists and experts, in conversation with Mark Cantan, will talk you through an area of the country that has special relevance to their work and life. These places of personal significance will also be digitally mapped, allowing listeners to embark on their own adventures into the Irish landscape. See a map of the places discussed in this podcast.
This is the fifth in a series of five podcasts recorded to accompany the exhibition Shaping Ireland: Landscapes in Irish Art (13 April – 7 July 2019).
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About Dara McAnulty
Dara McAnulty is a 15-year-old autistic naturalist and environmental campaigner living in Co. Down. His love for nature, although always present, was moulded during five formative years spent living in Co. Fermanagh. Now in Co. Down, he is putting down new roots. A passionate orator, he has spoken publicly at schools, conferences, events, and at UK Parliament, about autism, connection to nature, mental health and the biodiversity crisis. His award-winning website Naturalist Dara, his essays, and his microblog on Twitter have been globally acclaimed. Dara’s debut book, Diary of a Young Naturalist, will be released in June 2020 by nature publisher Little Toller.
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Other podcasts in this series
Zechstein Sea - from Ireland to Russia
With Ruth Lyons, artist.
Ruth E. Lyons is an Irish artist based in the rural boglands of Co. Offaly. Her work is concerned with landscape and deep time. Often working in large scale sculpture, Lyons has exhibited work in Project Arts Centre, Dublin; Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin; Talbot Rice Gallery, Edinburgh; and Grazer, Kunstverein, Austria.
The Burren, Co. Clare
With Dr Brendan Dunford, founder of Burrenbeo Teo.
Dr Brendan Dunford is the founder of Burrenbeo Teo. From a farming background in Co. Waterford, Brendan has spent the past 20 years living and working in the Burren region. In 2001, he completed his doctorate on the impact of farming on the heritage of the Burren, later published by Teagasc as ‘Farming and the Burren’. He led the award-winning BurrenLIFE Project (2005-2010); its successor, the pioneering Burren Farming for Conservation Programme (2010-2015); and currently manages the new Burren Programme. Brendan is also secretary of the Burrenbeo Trust, Ireland’s only landscape-based charity.
Powerscourt Estate, Co. Wicklow
With Alex Slazenger, Head Gardener, Powerscourt Estate.
Alex Slazenger is head gardener of Powerscourt Estate, Co. Wicklow. Slazenger has over 10 years of experience in the horticultural industry, ranging from landscaping to estate garden maintenance. Before assuming his role as head gardener, he completed a B.Sc. in horticulture at the Botanic Gardens in Glasnevin, specialising in the tree collection at Powerscourt Gardens.
The North Dublin Coastline, Co. Dublin
With Paula Meehan, poet and former Ireland Professor of Poetry (2013-16).
Paula Meehan is an Irish poet and playwright. Born in Dublin, Meehan studied at Trinity College Dublin and at Eastern Washington University. She has received many awards, including the Marten Toonder Award for Literature and The Butler Literary Award for Poetry. In September 2013, Meehan was awarded the Ireland Chair of Poetry, Professor of Poetry, by President Michael D. Higgins.
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13 April – 7 July 2019
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