Special display by EVE Castleview HUB at National Gallery of Ireland

Watercolour of woman in a green dress standing with her arms out perpendicular to her body.
© Michelle Farrell

A celebration of art in the community

The National Gallery of Ireland and EVE Castleview HUB are delighted to announce a brand new display of works celebrating five years of partnership. The display will be opened by Minister Finian McGrath, TD, Minister of State with special responsibility for Disability Issues, on 9 May 2019.

Over the past five years, the National Gallery of Ireland’s Community Programme has worked with EVE Castleview supporting the art strand of their programming. Based in Finglas, EVE Castleview supports people who experience mental health difficulties to live their lives based on their own personal goals. Focusing on people’s knowledge, skills, personal resources and social supports, the programme is informed by the belief that everyone has the potential to change and grow.

Working with Gallery artists and facilitators, and engaging with both temporary exhibitions and the Gallery’s permanent collection, the participants of this series of projects have had personal experiences of the positive, therapeutic impact that art can have on our lives and on our mental health.

Commenting, Brina Casey, Community & Access at the National Gallery of Ireland, said: “The partnership between the Gallery and EVE Castleview has fostered and fuelled curiosity amongst the clients across a wide variety of events, workshops, exhibitions and activities. We’re thrilled to present this display where visitors can see a selection of the works created by participants, read their words, and reflect upon their own experiences of what art means to them.”

Running until 23 June 2019, the display coincides with the Green Ribbon campaign, an annual initiative that promotes open conversation on the subject of mental health in Ireland during the month of May.


About the display:

Community Partner Exhibition: EVE Castleview

Millennium Wing Studio, National Gallery of Ireland

9 May - 23 June 2019

Free, no booking required.


About the National Gallery of Ireland’s Community Programme:

The Community Engagement strand of the Gallery’s Education and Learning Programme expands events beyond the walls of the Gallery and is integral to supporting its mission to provide access to arts and culture to all audiences. Through visual art and collection-focused projects and events, the Gallery reaches into the community and works with groups who might not otherwise access the Gallery’s public programmes.


About EVE Castleview HUB:

EVE is a department within the HSE that provides health and personal social services in the community. EVE Castleview HUB supports people who experience mental health difficulties to live their lives based on their own personal goals. The service offers a range of supports to enable each person to live a more healthy, fullfilling and independent life. This is achieved through a combination of centre and community modules & activities.