Detail from a Murillo painting showing facial expressions
Bartolomé Esteban Murillo (1617-1682), The Prodigal Son Driven Out (detail), 1660s. Photo © National Gallery of Ireland


Spanish Art in Dublin - a fond farewell

11 October 15.00 - 16.00

Lecture Theatre

Join us for a special lecture to celebrate the retirement of esteemed colleague and renowned expert on Spanish art, Dr Peter Cherry.

This will be a personal reflection on the Spanish pictures in the National Gallery of Ireland which have been the source of such pleasure to him over the years. Former lecturer in the Department of History of Art and Architecture, Dr Cherry’s contributions to scholarship and teaching are internationally recognised.

This event is part of a collaboration with Trinity College Dublin, the Spanish Embassy, and the Instituto Cervantes Dublin, which culminates in a symposium that will take place in Trinity College’s Edmund Burke theatre on Saturday, 12 October, entitled Hibernia to Iberia: A Symposium celebrating the career of Dr Peter Cherry, Scholar and Teacher.

 This event is free but tickets must be reserved in advance using the link above.

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