Tour guide speaking to a group of visitors in front of Vermeer's painting
Image © National Gallery of Ireland. Photographer: Jack Caffrey, The Pimlico Project, 2018.


Public Tour: Art 101

29 September 14.30 - 15.30


Free. No booking required.

Curious about art? Do you love art, but need help understanding what you are looking at?

This tour is art for beginners. It will explore the who, what, where and why of some of the Gallery’s most popular works. It will be relaxed, interactive and will give you the opportunity to ask any questions you want.

  • Meet your tour guide in the Courtyard, near the Merrion Square entrance.
  • Read our Visitor Guide for details of what to expect on your visit to the Gallery.
  • All public tours are fully accessible to people who are hard of hearing and use a tour guide system with T-loop capabilities.

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