James Cowley Lane
Age 11
Macdara, Macdara, 2022
Plaster powder, clay | 27 x 27 x 3.5 cm
‘This portrait is of my cousin Macdara. He was born during lockdown and I couldn’t see him often. Now, I spend as much time as I can with him. I created this artwork making impressions into clay using tools to carve out and build up sections. The objects that surround his portrait are all toys that he loves to play with such as Lego blocks or toy soldiers from his favourite animated movie Toy Story. His hair is very stylised to show his lovely curly locks.’
Shortlisted works | 7–11 years
Winner 7-11: Haochen Gao
Age 11
Cathal Ryan
Age 7
Aoife Sweeney
Age 9
Grace Yu
Age 11