Painting of a female figure sitting in a chair, wearing a yellow jacket, blue scarf and blue hat.
Helen Mabel Trevor (1831-1900), Self-portrait, c.1890s. Image, National Gallery of Ireland


Friends Talk: Irish Artists in France: Sarah Purser, Helen Mabel Trevor and Roderic O’Conor - By Carmel Coyle.

23 September 13.00 - 14.00

Lecture Theatre

Free, booking required.

Exclusively for Friends of the National Gallery of Ireland.

From the 2nd half of the 19th century, Irish artists began to move London for further training in Paris. Between 1850 and 1914, nearly a hundred Irish artists studied there. This talk will look at the different experiences of Sarah Purser, Helen Mabel Trevor and Roderic O’Conor.

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