Käthe Kollwitz: Life, Death, and War
Käthe Kollwitz: Life, Death, and War

Käthe Kollwitz: Life, Death, and War

6 September – 10 December 2017
Print Gallery | Admission free

This exhibition of 40 prints and drawings by the German artist Käthe Kollwitz (1867–1945) was an opportunity for visitors to discover this important artist who created almost 300 prints, around 20 sculptures and some 1,450 drawings during her long career.

The works in the exhibition, specially selected by the curator from the superb collection at the Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, allowed visitors to reflect on the effects of war, in particular the grief left in its wake.

Kollwitz’s five print cycles—Revolt of the Weavers (1893–1898), Peasant War (1902–1908), War (1921–1922), Proletariat (1924–1925), and Death (1934–1937)—place her among the foremost print-makers of the twentieth century. The exhibition was accompanied by a free illustrated brochure, and a programme of talks and music. 

Curator | Anne Hodge, National Gallery of Ireland

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