How to make a patterned cape

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Learn how to make a colourful patterned cape, inspired by the Spanish costumes in Joaquin Sorolla’s paintings.

We know that not everybody can make it to our weekly drop-in family workshops, so this time we are bringing it to you! Follow the steps in the video below to make your own colourful cape at home.

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Inspired by Sorolla's paintings

How to make a patterned cape


What you will need


  • A2 paper
  • Oil pastels
  • Scissors
  • Hole punch
  • Wool or string


  1. Start with a big A2 piece of paper
  2. Fold the paper in half, along the long edge to create a big crease down the middle
  3. Fold in the top corners to meet the centre crease
  4. Use a scissors to, carefully, cut off the two triangles
  5. Punch holes in the top corners 
  6. You now have a basic cape that is ready for decoration!
  7. Use oil pastels, chalk or crayons to decorate your cape with colourful patterns
  8. Start on the bottom edge
  9. Slowly, work your way up, adding rows of pattern
  10. Until your whole cape is filled with colourful decoration!
  11. Thread a piece of wool or string through each hole
  12. Use the string to tie your new cape around your shoulders!


Project devised by artist Sarah Ward for a drop-in family workshop, held in the National Gallery of Ireland on 13 October 2019, as part of the programme of events for the exhibition Sorolla: Spanish Master of Light (10 August – 3 November 2019).

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