Two men stand in front of industrial-looking equipment. They wear work clothes and boots, and are covered in dust. The man on the left wears a high-vis jacket and rests his hand on the shoulder of the second man.
Theresa Nanigian, Jacek & Seamus, 2020. © Theresa Nanigian.

Theresa Nanigian

Seamus & Jacek, 2020

Photograph,152.4 x 101.6 cm 

Theresa Nanigian first met Seamus and Jacek while conducting research for her portrait series titled clann. Employed by Murphystone, a family owned business spanning multiple generations, Seamus is an accomplished sculptor who takes great pride in his profession. The exquisite craftsmanship of his moulded church corbels and manually letter-cut stone sets Seamus apart from most other stonecutters today. Nanigian was also struck by the strong connection between Seamus and his assistant Jacek, as well as the beautifully rich aesthetic of their chalky workshop. 


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