Friends Fortnight 2023

Photographer: Jack Caffrey, The Pimlico Project, 2017. Photo © National Gallery of Ireland

Two weeks of inspiring events exclusively for members. Become a member of the Friends today to be a part of it!

We are excited to announce that Friends Fortnight, our annual festival for members, begins on 13 February 2023, with talks, tours, film screenings and more. 

How to take part

  • Certain events are available to the general public, however to experience the full festival you must become a Friend of the National Gallery of Ireland. Anyone can become a Friend in minutes, online, over the phone, or in person in the Gallery. Become a member of the Friends today!
  • Pre-booking is required for all onsite events.
  • Friends will also receive a special 15% discount in the Gallery Shop for the duration of the festival!

Calendar of events

Week 1 | 13-19 February 2023 

Monday 13 February \ 1pm \ Lecture Theatre

Talk \ Art in the Big House

An exploration of a selection of artworks from the Big Houses of Ireland with Mags Harnett. 

Admission: Free for Friends of the Gallery | €10 for non-members. Book your ticket here.                   

Tuesday 14 February \ 11am & 1pm \ Meet in the Atrium

Tour \ Love and romance at the National Gallery of Ireland

A Saint Valentine's Day themed tour of the collection with Valerie Alexander. 

Admission: Free for Friends of the Gallery. Book your ticket here.


Tuesday 14 February \ 6pm \ ZOOM

Talk \ Better halves? Romantic and creative partnerships in Irish art history

Dr Kathryn Milligan explores romance and creative partnerships through the lives of artists and collectors in Irish art history.

Admission: Free for Friends of the Gallery. Find the ZOOM link in your Friends e-zine.


Wednesday 15 February \ 1pm \ Lecture Theatre

Talk \ The much-maligned Mary Magdalene

Dr Audrey Nicholls will explore various artistic representations and identities of Mary Magdalene across time. 

Admission: Free for Friends of the Gallery | €10 for non-members. Book your ticket here.


Thursday 16 February \ 6pm \ Lecture Theatre

Director's Talk

Meet the new Director of the National Gallery of Ireland, Dr Caroline Campbell, in this exclusive talk for Friends.

Admission: Free for Friends of the Gallery. Book your ticket here.


Friday 17 February \ 1pm \ ZOOM

Talk \ Arts and Crafts connections: The Yeats & Morris Families

This talk will trace the fascinating links between these two artistic families who at one time were near neighbours in London, with reference to beautiful examples of both printed and embroidered works by the Yeats sisters.

Admission: Free for Friends of the Gallery. Find the ZOOM link in your Friends e-zine.


Saturday 18 February \ 1pm \ Lecture Theatre

Film screening \ Loving Vincent

Experimental animated biographical drama film about the life of the painter Vincent van Gogh, and, in particular, about the circumstances of his death. It is the first fully painted animated feature film.

Admission: €5 for Friends of the Gallery | €10 for non-members. Book your ticket here.


Sunday 19 February \ Online video

Talk \ Shining a Spotlight on LGBTQ Artists

Aoife Convery explores the lives of LGBTQ artists and figures from across history through the works in the Gallery's collection.

This video will be shared through the Friends of the National Gallery E-zine.


Week 2 | 20–26 February 2023

Monday 20 February \ 1pm \ Lecture Theatre

Talk \ Past and present of paintings: behind the scenes of art and conservation

The Getty Canvas Initiative conservators will introduce the history of Guercino's 'Saint Joseph and Child' and Juan Gris' 'A guitar, glasses and a bottle' and 'Carafe, cups and glasses', focusing on the conservation treatments carried out at the National Gallery of Ireland during the last century.

Admission: Free for Friends of the Gallery | €10 for non-members. Book your ticket here.


Tuesday 21 February \ 11am & 1pm \ Meet in the Atrium

Tour \ The Tragedy of Saint Dymphna

Dr Lizzie Marx, our curator of Dutch and Flemish art, will guide us through our new display of the beautiful sixteenth-century altarpiece by Goossen Van Der Weyden, recounting the extraordinary life of the Irish princess.

Admission: Free for Friends of the Gallery. Book your ticket here.


Wednesday 22 February \ 1pm \ Lecture Theatre

Talk \ The Master Pastellists

Curator Adrian Le Harivel will showcase works by the greatest exponents of the medium, both in our own collection and elsewhere. This is in advance of our upcoming spring exhibition, Pastel Revealed

Admission: Free for Friends of the Gallery | €10 for non-members. Book your ticket here.


Thursday 23 February \ 5.30pm and 6.30pm \ Meet in the Atrium

Tour \ Slow Art and Mindfulness

Mindfulness is deliberately pausing and paying attention to the present moment, without judgment. We can practice mindfulness by spending time looking closely at artworks, and it can be a very helpful tool to calm and settle our busy minds. Join Mary Dowling for a ‘slow art’ guided tour and a discussion about the experience.

Admission: Free for Friends of the Gallery. Book your ticket here.


Friday 24 February \ Online video

Talk \ Roller Skates & Ruins

Marie Lynch highlights the diverse experiences of six Irish artists who contributed or bore witness to the social, cultural & political developments of the revolutionary period.

Admission: This video will be shared through the Friends E-zine.


Saturday 25 February \ 11am & 1pm \ Meet in the Atrium

Tour \ Mystery tour of the collection

Join us for the first in a series of mystery tours of the collection. 

Admission: Free for Friends of the Gallery. Book your ticket here.


Sunday 26 February \ Online video

Talk \ Metamorphoses: Myths and Legends at the National Gallery

Dr Sarah Wilson explores the classical myths & legends that inspired centuries of art work, from Titian to Louis le Brocquy.

Admission: This video will be shared through the Friends of the National Gallery E-zine.


About the Friends

Friends support the work of the National Gallery of Ireland, including exhibitions and acquisitions. Annual membership starts at €35, with Individual, Joint, Concessionary, Patron and Student categories available. Become a member of the Friends.

Contact us 

If you have any questions please contact the Friends team at [email protected]

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