James Coleman: Still Life, 2013 - 2016

Image of a yellow poppy standing in soil on a black background
James Coleman (b. 1941), Still Life (yellow version) 2013-2016. NGI.2022.44 © James Coleman; Courtesy of James Coleman and Marian Goodman Gallery

21 January - 8 October 2023 
Sir Hugh Lane Room | Admission free

James Coleman’s most recent work, a video installation Still Life, 2013-2016 (yellow version), presents a silent, large-scale projection of an uprooted poppy against a black background. This is the first display of the work at the Gallery – one year after its acquisition in February 2022 - and its first appearance in Ireland. Coleman, born in county Roscommon, works primarily in film and slide projection. A pioneer of lens-based installation art, he is recognised internationally for his influence on late-twentieth century conceptual art.

Curator: Donal Maguire, Curator of the ESB Centre for the Study of Irish Art.

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