The Gallery was established by the National Gallery of Ireland Act 1854. Since then, there have been a number of subsequent amending Acts providing for the administration of the institution and further defining its functions, namely, the National Gallery of Ireland Acts (1854-1963) and the National Cultural Institutions Acts (1997-2023). Under its statutes, oversight of the affairs of the Gallery is entrusted to a Board of Governors and Guardians (the ‘Board’).
Key Acts
Links to the key Acts governing the Gallery:
- National Gallery of Ireland Act 1854
- National Gallery of Ireland Act 1855
- National Gallery of Ireland Act 1928
- National Gallery of Ireland Act 1963
- National Cultural Institutions Act 1997
Byelaws of the National Gallery of Ireland
You can download the Byelaws of the National Gallery of Ireland, below, in English and Irish (PDF):
Further information
Board of Governors and Guardians
Board of governors and guardians of the National Gallery of Irela
Policies and Reports
Read the Gallery's various policies and reports.
Freedom of Information
Find out how to make FOI requests to the Gallery
Strategic Plan 2019-2023
The Gallery’s programmes and priorities from 2019 to 2023.