About the Education team
The Education team manages bespoke events and activities for all audiences from babies to academics, seven days a week, 361 days a year. We programme broadly for early years, children & families, teachers & schools, young people (16+), adults, life-long learners, community groups and groups/individuals with access/additional needs. While each team member has a core group for which they cater, we work in a highly collaborative manner, onsite, offsite and online, responding to the permanent collection, temporary exhibitions and unique, one-off opportunities.
Sinéad Kathy Rice: Head of Education
- Telephone: +353 1 6633506
- Email: [email protected]
Sinéad manages the Education team, all related programmes, and leads departmental research, evaluation and development. She informs content across all audience groups and is responsible for evolving existing programming, introducing tailored programmes for temporary exhibitions, and the strategic development of the department. Sinéad has particular interest in innovative education approaches, audience development, collaborative programming and connecting the Gallery's collection and exhibitions to contemporary arts practices.
Joanne Drum: Education Officer Adults, Families & Administration
- Telephone: +353 1 6633505
- Email: [email protected]
Joanne manages programming for children and families, many adult and lifelong learning strands, and the administration of some financial aspects of the department. As part of the children and family strand, she established the Gallery's early years programme, and is involved with offsite community-based projects for this age group. She is the key departmental contact for the National Drawing Day, held in May each year, and liaises closely with participating cultural institutions all over Ireland. Joanne is a member of the cross-departmental team that manage the Gallery Volunteers. She is responsible for the supervision of the Gallery’s Atrium Creative Space. Joanne is the Gallery’s Designated Liaison Person for child protection issues.
Brina Casey: Education Officer Community, Access & Health
- Telephone: +353 1 6633509
- Mobile: +353 87 718 9450
- Email: [email protected]
Brina manages the Gallery’s Community, Access and Health programming, focusing on both onsite and offsite collaborations. Under the umbrella of the Gallery’s commitment to Diversity, Equity, Accessibility and Inclusion, she guides audience development within the Education Department, expanding programme accessibility and diversity and championing research-led practice and collaborative projects across Gallery specialisations. Working with a diverse range of organisations and stakeholders, including hospitals, hospices, CAMHs services, disability service providers, prisons and community groups, Brina creates tailored programmes to fit the specific requirements of the participants, while in co-creating other educational projects, she works to build positive links with the Gallery’s local and national communities. Brina co-chairs the Gallery’s Universal Design and Access Working Group, working to ensure physical, intellectual and development accessibility to the Gallery and its collection.
Rachel Burke: Schools Officer
- Telephone: +353 1 6633579
- Mobile:+353 87 6436310
- Email: [email protected] / [email protected]
Rachel manages the Gallery’s programming for teachers and schools encompassing both primary and second-level education. Diversity, Equality, Accessibility, and Inclusion are at the forefront of her work as she strives to support learning and well-being through art and creativity. Rachel is committed to expanding opportunities for all children and young people to explore and enjoy the Gallery in their own way. She also works in collaboration with teachers to offer a variety of resources, projects, and programmes that complement the curriculum.
Caomhán Mac Con Iomaire: Education Officer Art Practice, Accessibility agus Gaeilge
- Telephone: +353 1 6633507
- Email: [email protected]
Caomhán devises and facilitates high quality practical art activities and events for the general public. He researches and coordinates the delivery of sustainable accessible programmes for people with specific needs and requirements. Caomhán also leads the development of Irish Language content for the Education Department and facilitates activities through Irish. He coordinates the operation of the Sunday Public Programme and provides core audio visual and technical support for education events.
Kate Drinane: Tours, Talks, Training and Interpretation Officer
- Telephone: +353 1 663 3510
- Mobile: +353 87 906 0218
- Email: [email protected]
Kate manages the Gallery's tour guide panel and significant tours programme, catering for all audiences. She carries out guide training, research and development in this field, and she also programmes several public strands, including pop-up talks and interpretation of the Gallery’s collection through online content and onsite activities.
Jennie Taylor: Education Administrator
- Telephone: +353 1 6325565
- Email: [email protected]
Jennie provides core administrative support, research and practical assistance to the Education team. She programmes, coordinates and delivers projects and tours for third-level audiences, offering contemporary contexts to the collection and temporary exhibitions. Jennie leads student-focused projects in which key concerns raised in temporary exhibitions and the collection are examined and presented anew. She collates data on audience engagement and manages enquiries relating to the Gallery, the collection and education services.
Oisín Kelly: Apollo Fellow
- Telephone: +353 (0) 1 6325563
- Email: [email protected]
Oisín co-ordinates the Apollo Project, creative programming by and for young people (ages 16-25) at the National Gallery of Ireland. As Apollo Fellow, he collaborates with young people to create exciting and innovative ways of accessing, making, and celebrating art that matters to them. He also creates online content for the Apollo Project Instagram page. His interests include LGBTQIA+ histories and art, media representations, socially engaged art practices, and more. Pronouns: He/Him.
Explore more
Schools Programme
Book a school tour, online session, or self-guided visit.
Third-Level Programmes
Programmes for students and academics
Visiting with kids
Activities for young people visiting the National Gallery
Something From There
1 December 2020 - 20 June 2021