Sensory Workshop: Create your own 'stained glass'!

Young child making a stained glass inspired painting with colourful paint

Follow along with this easy video to create a simple stained-glass effect artwork! This activity will engage your child’s senses and is particularly suitable for those who seek out sensory input.

Our Education team are bringing some of their family workshops to you online so that you can get creative at home! Follow the steps in the video below to create some stained-glass inspired artwork, using the work of Irish artist Evie Hone as a starting off point!

You can share your creations with us on our online channels using #NationalGalleryIRLAtHome, or email them to us at [email protected] - we'd love to see how you get on! 

To watch the video: Due to new e-privacy measures on our site, you'll need to click on the cookie symbol in the bottom-left corner of this page and tick the boxes to accept statistics and marketing cookies in order to watch the video embedded on this page. Alternatively, you can watch it on YouTube.

National Gallery of Ireland at Home

Create your own 'stained-glass'!



  • Card
  • Tape
  • Scissors
  • String
  • Paints
  • Tinfoil
  • Black marker


  1. Cut out a rectangle of card.
  2. Cut slits all along the edges.
  3. Thread the string through opposite slits in the card.
  4. Wrap the string all over the card to make interesting shapes.
  5. Flip the card and secure by tying the string and sticking it down.
  6. Cut a piece of tinfoil big enough to cover the card.
  7. Cover the card with tin foil and stick in place.
  8. Press down so that you can see an outline of the pattern.
  9. Paint with your fingers.
  10. Choose different colours for each area outlined by the string.
  11. Let your painting dry (this might take a few days because of the tinfoil).
  12. Draw over the string with a marker. 
  13. Display in the window for passers by to admire!


Thank you to Laoise and Fia Nic Con Iomaire, aged 7 and 5!

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