Sponsorship of popular art competitions and exhibitions begins in 2024
The National Gallery of Ireland today announced that the new sponsor for its Portrait Prize and Young Portrait Prize competitions and exhibitions is AIB. The AIB Portrait Prize and AIB Young Portrait Prize competitions are now open for entries from people of all ages. The AIB Portrait Prize showcases contemporary portraiture and invites submissions from artists working in all media across the island of Ireland, and from Irish artists living abroad. The AIB Young Portrait Prize is open to young people aged 18 and under.
In the AIB Portrait Prize, the winning artist receives a prize of €15,000 and a commission worth €5,000 to produce a new work for inclusion in the national portrait collection. Two additional prizes of €1,500 are awarded to highly commended works. Hundreds of artworks by artists of all disciplines are considered by an expert judging panel, to be announced in the coming months. The competition plays a vital role in celebrating a range of different practices and interpretations of portraiture.
The AIB Young Portrait Prize – which aims to foster and support creativity, originality and self-expression in children and young people – has four age categories. Winners in each age category and an overall winner are chosen from a shortlist of 20 works. Winners receive a bespoke art box and a cash prize.
Dr Caroline Campbell, Director of the National Gallery of Ireland, said, “These competitions and exhibitions are a highlight of the National Gallery of Ireland’s annual calendar. To welcome AIB as sponsor for both of these important elements of our programme is a significant moment for us all. AIB is committed to supporting sustainable communities, and this is very much reflected in its sponsorship of these prizes which welcomes entries from all corners of Ireland, and beyond, each year. Contemporary portraiture across Ireland is an inspiring area of art practice – by artists of all ages! – and we look forward to seeing this year’s entries for both the AIB Portrait Prize and the AIB Young Portrait Prize.”
Colin Hunt, CEO of AIB, said “AIB has, over many decades, offered significant support to the development of the arts in Ireland as part of its contribution to Irish society and the communities we serve. The AIB Art Collection is one of the finest single private collections of over 3,000 pieces of modern Irish works that capture a unique sense of time, place and human emotion and reflect the changing nature of Ireland’s cultural heritage. To continue that support, AIB is pleased to sponsor these special competitions which reflect contemporary Ireland in all its diversity today. We look forward to supporting artists of all ages and celebrating the wealth of talent flourishing among communities across the country.”
The closing date for entries for both the AIB Portrait Prize and the AIB Young Portrait Prize is Friday 21 June 2024. The exhibitions will run in the National Gallery of Ireland’s Portrait Gallery from 9 November 2024 to 9 March 2025.
The highly commended artists, category winners and overall winners of the AIB Portrait Prize and AIB Young Portrait Prize will be announced in November 2024, after the exhibitions have opened to the public at the Gallery.
Find out more at www.nationalgallery.ie.
Media contact:
- Kate O’Leary, Communications, National Gallery of Ireland [email protected] / 087 334 1587
Notes to Editor:
- Photographs of the sponsorship announcement by Naoise Culhane are available via WeTransfer https://we.tl/t-SAigatKcrp
- Dr Caroline Campbell, Director of the National Gallery of Ireland, is available for interview.
- AIB spokesperson available for interview.
Exhibitions listings:
- AIB Portrait Prize and AIB Young Portrait Prize
- Portrait Gallery, National Gallery of Ireland: 9 November 2024 – 9 March 2025
- Free admission
Gallery opening hours:
- Monday: 11am – 5.30pm
- Tuesday – Wednesday: 9.15am – 5.30pm
- Thursday: 9.15am – 8.30pm
- Friday – Saturday: 9.15am –5.30pm
- Sunday: 11am – 5.30pm
About the National Gallery of Ireland:
The National Gallery of Ireland is one of the country’s most popular visitor attractions housing the nation’s collection of European and Irish art from about 1300 to the present day, and an extensive Library & Archive. Entry to the collection is free for all to enjoy, learn and be inspired. Tickets are required for some temporary exhibitions.
2024 at the National Gallery of Ireland:
2024 is the 170th anniversary of the establishment of the Gallery through the National Gallery of Ireland Act (1854) and the 160th anniversary of the opening of the National Gallery of Ireland on the 30 January 1864. The Gallery will also publish a new strategic plan for the period 2024-28 in 2024.
AIB Portrait Prize:
The AIB Portrait Prize, open to artists aged 19 and over, runs for the eleventh time in 2024 with AIB as its sponsor for the first time. The aim of the AIB Portrait Prize is to showcase and encourage interest in contemporary portraiture, support Irish talent and to raise the profile of the long-standing and constantly evolving national portrait collection at the National Gallery of Ireland.
AIB Young Portrait Prize:
The AIB Young Portrait Prize is an inclusive art competition which aims to foster and support creativity, originality and self-expression in children and young people. Running for its sixth year in 2024, the competition accepts entries from young people up to the age of 18, of all abilities, from across the island of Ireland.
About AIB:
AIB is a financial services group which operates predominantly in Ireland and the United Kingdom. Our shares are quoted on the Irish and London stock exchanges and we are a member of the FTSE4Good Index. Whether it’s adapting to a greener way of living, planning for the future, growing a business or simply navigating day-to-day life, our ambition is to support our 3.3 million customers, the communities where we operate and the wider economy.
Follow the Gallery:
Instagram: @nationalgalleryofireland
Twitter: @NGIreland
Facebook: @nationalgalleryofireland
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/national-gallery-of-ireland
AIB fógartha mar urraitheoir ar Dhuais Portráidí agus Duais na bPortráidí leis an Óige i nGailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann
Cuirfear tús le hurraíocht ar chomórtais ealaíne agus ar thaispeántais ealaíne tóir in 2024
D’fhógair Gailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann inniu gurb é AIB an t-urraitheoir nua ar chomórtais agus ar thaispeántais Dhuais Phortráide na bPortráidí Óga. Tá comórtais Dhuais Portráidí AIB agus Duaiseanna AIB le haghaidh Portráidí leis an Óige oscailte anois d’iontrálacha ó dhaoine de gach aois. Cuireann Duais Phortráidí AIB portráidíocht chomhaimseartha ar taispeáint agus tugtar cuireadh d’aighneachtaí ó ealaíontóirí atá ag obair i ngach meán ar fud oileán na hÉireann, agus ó ealaíontóirí Éireannacha atá ina gcónaí thar lear. Tá Duais AIB le haghaidh Portráidí leis an Óige oscailte do dhaoine óga atá 18 mbliana d’aois nó níos óige.
I nDuais Phortráide AIB, faigheann an t-ealaíontóir buaiteach duais €15,000 agus coimisiún dar luach €5,000 chun saothar nua a léiriú le cur san áireamh sa bhailiúchán portráide náisiúnta. Bronntar dhá dhuais bhreise €1,500 ar oibreacha inmholta. Déanann painéal moltóireachta saineolaithe na céadta saothar ealaíne ó ealaíontóirí i ngach disciplín a mheas, a bheidh le fógairt sna míonna amach romhainn. Tá ról ríthábhachtach ag an gcomórtas maidir le raon cleachtas agus léirmhínithe éagsúla ar phortráideacht a cheiliúradh.
Tá ceithre aoisghrúpa i nDuais AIB le haghaidh Portráidí leis an Óige— a bhfuil sé d’aidhm aici cruthaitheacht, úrnuacht agus féinléiriú i leanaí agus i ndaoine óga a chothú agus tacú leo. Roghnaítear buaiteoirí i ngach aoisghrúpa agus buaiteoir foriomlán ó ghearrliosta 20 saothar. Faigheann na buaiteoirí bosca ealaíne saincheaptha agus duais airgid.
Dúirt an Dr Caroline Campbell, Stiúrthóir Ghailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann, "Is buaicphointe iad na comórtais agus na taispeántais seo d’fhéilire bliantúil Ghailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann. Is ócáid shuntasach dúinn go léir é fáilte a chur roimh AIB mar urraitheoir ar an dá ghné thábhachtacha sin dár gclár. Tá AIB tiomanta do thacaíocht a thabhairt do phobail inbhuanaithe, agus tá sé seo léirithe go mór ina urraíocht ar na duaiseanna seo a chuireann fáilte roimh iontrálacha ó gach cearn d’Éirinn, agus níos faide i gcéin, gach bliain. Is réimse spreagúil cleachtais ealaíne í portráidíocht chomhaimseartha ar fud na hÉireann — ag ealaíontóirí de gach aois! agus táimid ag tnúth le hiontrálacha na bliana seo do Dhuais AIB Portráidí agus do Dhuais AIB Portráidí Óga a fheiceáil."
Dúirt Colin Hunt, Príomhfheidhmeannach AIB, “Thug AIB, le blianta fada anuas, tacaíocht shuntasach d’fhorbairt na n-ealaíon in Éirinn mar chuid dá rannchuidiú le sochaí na hÉireann agus leis na pobail ar a bhfreastalaímid. Tá Bailiúchán Ealaíne AIB ar cheann de na bailiúcháin phríobháideacha is fearr de bhreis agus 3,000 píosa de shaothair nua-aimseartha Éireannacha a léiríonn tuiscint uathúil ar am, ar áit agus ar mhothúchán an duine agus a léiríonn nádúr athraitheach oidhreacht chultúrtha na hÉireann. Chun leanúint leis an tacaíocht sin, tá áthas ar AIB urraíocht a dhéanamh ar na comórtais speisialta seo a léiríonn éagsúlacht na hÉireann sa lá atá inniu ann. Táimid ag tnúth le tacú le healaíontóirí de gach aois agus le saibhreas na tallainne a cheiliúradh i measc pobail ar fud na tíre."
Is é Dé hAoine an 21 Meitheamh 2024 an spriocdháta d’iontrálacha do Dhuais Phortráide AIB agus do Dhuais AIB le haghaidh Portráidí leis an Óige. Beidh na taispeántais ar siúl i nGailearaí Portráidí Ghailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann ón 9 Samhain 2024 go dtí an 9 Márta 2025.
Fógrófar na healaíontóirí, buaiteoirí na gcatagóirí agus buaiteoirí foriomlána Dhuais Phortráide AIB agus Duais AIB le haghaidh Portráidí leis an Óigei mí na Samhna 2024, tar éis do na taispeántais a bheith oscailte don phobal sa Ghailearaí.
Tuilleadh eolais ar www.nationalgallery.ie.
Teagmháil do na meáin:
- Kate O’Leary, Cumarsáid, Gailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann [email protected] / 087 334 1587
Nótaí don Eagarthóir:
- Tá grianghraif den fhógra urraíochta eisithe ag Naoise Culhane chuig na meáin agus tá siad ar fáil trí WeTransfer https://we.tl/t-SAigatKcrp
- Tá an Dr Caroline Campbell, Stiúrthóir Ghailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann, ar fáil le haghaidh agallaimh.
Liostaí de thaispeántais:
- Duais Phortráide AIB agus Duais AIB le haghaidh Phortráií leis an ÓIge
- Gailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann: 9 Samhain 2024-9 Márta 2025 9
- Saorchead isteach
Gailearaí uaireanta oscailte:
- Dé Luain: 11am — 5.30pm
- Dé Máirt — Dé Céadaoin: 9.15am — 5.30pm
- Déardaoin: 9.15am — 8.30pm
- Dé hAoine — Dé Sathairn: 9.15am — 5.30pm
- Dé Domhnaigh: 11am — 5.30pm
Maidir le Gailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann:
Tá Gailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann ar cheann de na háiteanna is díol spéise do chuairteoirí sa tír ina bhfuil bailiúchán ealaíne na hÉireann agus na hEorpa ó thart ar 1300 go dtí an lá atá inniu ann, agus Leabharlann agus Cartlann fhairsing. Tá iontráil sa bhailiúchán saor in aisce do chách chun taitneamh a bhaint as, foghlaim agus spreagadh a fháil. Tá ticéid ag teastáil le haghaidh roinnt taispeántas sealadach.
2024 i nGailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann:
Is é 2024 comóradh 170 bliain bhunú an Ghailearaí tríd an Acht um Ghailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann (1854) agus comóradh 160 bliain oscailt Ghailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann ar an 30 Eanáir 1864. Foilseoidh an Gailearaí plean straitéiseach nua don tréimhse 2024-28 in 2024.
Duais Phortráide AIB:
Beidh Duais Phortráide AIB, atá oscailte d’ealaíontóirí atá 19 mbliana d’aois nó níos sine, ar siúl den aonú huair déag in 2024 agus is é AIB an t-urraitheoir den chéad uair. Is é aidhm Dhuais AIB Portráidí AIB spéis i bportráidíocht chomhaimseartha a thaispeáint agus a spreagadh, tacú le tallann na hÉireann agus próifíl an bhailiúcháin portráidí náisiúnta atá ag síorathrú i nGailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann a ardú.
Duais AIB le haghaidh Portráidí leis an Óige:
Is éard atá i nDuais Phortráidí Óga AIB ná comórtas ealaíne cuimsitheach a bhfuil sé mar aidhm aige cruthaitheacht, úrnuacht agus féinléiriú i leanaí agus i ndaoine óga a chothú agus tacú leo. Beidh an comórtas ar siúl don séú bliain in 2024 agus glacann sé le hiontrálacha ó dhaoine óga suas go dtí 18 mbliana d’aois, de gach cumas, ó gach cearn d’oileán na hÉireann.
Maidir le AIB:
Is grúpa seirbhísí airgeadais é AIB a oibríonn den chuid is mó in Éirinn agus sa Ríocht Aontaithe. Tá ár scaireanna luaite ar stocmhalartáin na hÉireann agus Londain agus táimid mar bhall den Innéacs FTSE4Good. Is cuma má tá sé ag dul in oiriúint do bhealach maireachtála níos glaise, pleanáil don todhchaí, gnó a fhás nó díreach a bheith ag nascleanúint leis an saol laethúil, is é ár n-uaillmhian tacú lenár 3.3 milliún custaiméir, leis na pobail ina n-oibrímid agus leis an ngeilleagar i gcoitinne.
Instagram: @nationalgalleryofireland
Twitter: @NGIreland
Facebook: @nationalgalleryofireland
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/national-gallery-of-ireland
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