For the month of January 2020, visit the annual Turner exhibition at the National Gallery of Ireland

Watercolour of men herding cows through a mountainous landscape
Anthony Copley Fielding (1787-1855), A Rain Shower in the Scottish Highlands. Photo © National Gallery of Ireland

Turner: The Visionary 
1–31 January 2020

This exhibition is kindly supported by Sarasin & Partners

For the month of January 2020, visit the annual Turner exhibition at the National Gallery of Ireland. This year, watercolours by J.M.W. Turner (1775–1851) will be complemented by a broad range of works by some twenty artists who were inspired by him. 

All works in this year’s display, by artists such as William Leech, Evie Hone, Paul Cézanne and John Singer Sargent, are from the Gallery’s collection, with a number of watercolours having not been shown in many years. Some recent acquisitions by the artists Basil Blackshaw and Kyffin Williams will also be included. 

Commenting, exhibition co-curator Adrian Le Harivel said: “It is always a pleasure to see the Turner watercolours and this display shows the amazing impact he has had on other artists up to the modern day.”

In 1900, the Gallery received a bequest of 31 watercolours and drawings by Turner from the English collector Henry Vaughan (1809–99). Vaughan stipulated that the watercolours be exhibited every year, free of charge, for the month of January, when the light is at its weakest. Since 1901, the Gallery has upheld this tradition, thus ensuring the pristine condition of this superb collection of Turner watercolours. 

Turner: The Visionary is on display until 31 January 2020.

Curators: Adrian Le Harivel and Niamh MacNally

Sarasin and Partners