Turner’s Watercolours: Scotland’s Vaughan Bequest will open in Dublin on 1 January 2025
The exhibition is proudly supported by Grant Thornton, Turner Exhibitions Partner
To mark the 250th anniversary of Turner’s birth, the National Gallery of Ireland is undertaking an exciting exchange with the National Galleries of Scotland. In January 2025, the National Galleries of Scotland’s group of 38 Vaughan Bequest Turner watercolours will go on display in the Print Gallery at the National Gallery of Ireland. At the same time, The National Galleries of Scotland will display the National Gallery of Ireland’s Turner collection in the Royal Scottish Academy building in Edinburgh. The two exhibitions will provide visitors with a rare opportunity to view a new selection of Turner’s masterful watercolours from Henry Vaughan’s renowned collection. This exchange, very much in the spirit of Vaughan's generous bequest, comes as a result of many years of discussion and planning by the two institutions.
Opening on 1 January at the National Gallery of Ireland, Turner’s Watercolours: Scotland’s Vaughan Bequest, curated by Anne Hodge (Curator of Prints and Drawings), will delve into the interests and motivations of J.M.W. Turner as artist and Henry Vaughan as collector. The works on loan from the National Galleries of Scotland range from detailed topographical views from the 1790s, to vibrant and expressive watercolours of Venice and the Swiss Alps that date to the 1830s and 1840s. This exhibition will encapsulate Turner’s entire career and will showcase his innovative techniques.
2025 is the 250th anniversary of the birth of J.M.W. Turner, who is widely recognised as one of the greatest landscape painters of all time. His watercolours highlight his mastery of light, colour and atmosphere, and his ability to draw attention to the human experience within the greater natural world. In 1900, the National Gallery of Ireland and the Scottish National Gallery received bequests of watercolours and drawings by J.M.W. Turner (1775–1851) from the collector Henry Vaughan (1809-1899). In his will, Vaughan divided his collection of Turner watercolours between the national galleries in Dublin, Edinburgh and London, stipulating that they be exhibited every year, free of charge, for the full month of January. Since 1901, the National Gallery of Ireland and National Galleries of Scotland have honoured this tradition.
Highlights of the exhibition in Dublin include Venice from the Lagoon (1840), The Piazzetta, Venice (1840), the dramatic Loch Coruisk, Skye (1831 -34), and Sea View (mid 1820s).
Dr Caroline Campbell, Director of the National Gallery of Ireland, said: “I am delighted to announce this new collaboration with the National Galleries of Scotland, following the very successful Lavery: On Location exhibition. This is a unique opportunity for Irish audiences to experience the Scottish National Gallery’s collection of watercolours by Turner – one of the greatest colourists in the history of art. We are also delighted that Scottish audiences will be able to enjoy the National Gallery of Ireland’s sublime Turners.
Both groups of works were bequeathed by Henry Vaughan in 1900, stipulating they be shown only in the month of January. The annual display of the Vaughan Bequest Turners is a much-anticipated event in both Edinburgh and Dublin. This is the first time our two National Galleries have exchanged our Vaughan Bequest Turners. It's exciting to be working with our partners in Edinburgh to be doing something new for audiences in Ireland and Scotland. With special thanks to our exhibition partner Grant Thornton, whose support makes these unique experiences possible.”
Anne Lyden, Director-General at the National Galleries of Scotland said: “The annual display of Turner watercolours in Edinburgh is a treasured tradition for visitors to the National Galleries of Scotland. Each January, this anticipated exhibition brings an uplifting and joyful start to a new year. In 2025, it feels fitting that we mark the 250th anniversary of Turner’s birth with something extra special. It is a privilege to partner with the National Gallery of Ireland in this once in a lifetime exhibition, allowing our collective audiences to discover works from the Vaughan Bequest which they don’t often get to see. I hope visitors to the National Galleries of Scotland and the National Gallery of Ireland will join us in relishing in this truly unique experience, as we continue to marvel at Turner’s captivating and much-loved artworks.”
Steve Tennant, CEO of Grant Thornton Ireland, added: “We always look forward to the Turner exhibition—it's certainly a highlight for us. We are very proud of our partnership with the National Gallery of Ireland, and we are delighted to support this celebrated annual show—particularly this year, for this historic exchange with the National Galleries of Scotland; given my own Scottish heritage.”
A rich programme of talks and events is being planned, which will allow visitors to explore the themes and artistic techniques present in Turner’s works. This programme highlights the ongoing exchange of ideas and research that underpins this unique collaboration and will be accessible for all.
Exhibition Listing
Turner’s Watercolours: Scotland’s Vaughan Bequest
Print Gallery, National Gallery of Ireland
Curator: Anne Hodge, Curator of Prints and Drawings
1 – 31 January 2025
Admission: Free
Media Contacts:
Fiona Sexton, Communications, Marketing & Digital Engagement Manager, National Gallery of Ireland. [email protected]
Notes to Editors:
- Images are available upon request. [email protected]
Interviews can be arranged upon request with:
- Dr Caroline Campbell, Director of the National Gallery of Ireland
- Anne Hodge, Curator of Prints and Drawings, National Gallery of Ireland
About the National Gallery of Ireland:
The National Gallery of Ireland is one of the Ireland’s most popular visitor attractions housing the nation’s collection of European and Irish art from about 1300 to the present day, and an extensive Library & Archive. Entry to the collection is free for all to enjoy, learn and be inspired.
2024 at the National Gallery of Ireland:
2024 is the 170th anniversary of the establishment of the Gallery through the National Gallery of Ireland Act (1854) and the 160th anniversary of the opening of the National Gallery of Ireland on the 30 January 1864. The Gallery will also publish a new strategic plan for the period 2024-28 in early 2024.
About The National Galleries of Scotland:
We are the National Galleries of Scotland and our three Edinburgh galleries are the National, Modern and Portrait. We house and look after Scotland’s amazing world-class art collection. Step inside and explore art treasures from centuries ago to the very best modern art and contemporary portraits of pop culture icons. And, as you’d expect, the world’s greatest collection of Scottish art. We’re a space for thinking, dreaming, doing and playing. Soak up the art. Meet friends in the cafés. Have a family picnic surrounded by the sculptures in the Modern grounds. Be inspired by our amazing art films. Choose your own experience. There is no one way to enjoy Scotland’s national collection. We are yours to discover. www.nationalgalleries.org
About Grant Thornton:
Grant Thornton Ireland has 3,000 people across Ireland, Bermuda, Gibraltar, and the Isle of Man. With a presence in over 145 countries around the world, we bring you the local knowledge, national expertise, and global presence to help you and your business succeed – wherever you are located. We deliver solutions to all business challenges. Clients choose us because the breadth of financial and business services they need is available, delivered innovatively and always to the highest standards.
For further information visit: www.grantthornton.ie
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Malartú taispeántais Turner le Gailearaithe Náisiúnta na hAlban fógartha ag Gailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann do 2025
Osclófar Turner’s Watercolours: Scotland’s Vaughan Bequest i mBaile Átha Cliath an 1 Eanáir 2025
Tá an taispeántas tacaithe go bródúil ag Grant Thornton, Comhpháirtí Taispeántais Turner
Chun 250 bliain ó rugadh Turner a chomóradh, tá Gailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann ag dul i mbun malartú iontach le Gailearaithe Náisiúnta na hAlban. I mí Eanáir 2025, beidh grúpa Gailearaithe Náisiúnta na hAlban a chuimsíonn 38 uiscedhathanna de chuid Turner ó Tiomnacht Vaughan ar taispeáint i nGailearaí na bPriontaí i nGailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann. Ag an am céanna, taispeánfaidh Gailearaithe Náisiúnta na hAlban bailiúchán Turner Ghailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann i bhfoirgneamh Acadamh Ríoga na hAlban i nDún Éideann. Is deis annamh do chuairteoirí iad an dá thaispeántas chun rogha nua d’uiscedhathanna máistriúla Turner ó bhailiúchán clúiteach Henry Vaughan a fheiceáil. Tarlóidh an malartú seo, atá ag teacht go mór le spiorad thiomnacht fhlaithiúil Vaughan, mar thoradh ar bhlianta fada plé agus pleanála idir an dá institiúid.
Agus é ag oscailt an 1 Eanáir i nGailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann, déanfaidh Turner’s Watercolours: Scotland’s Vaughan Bequest, arna coimeád ag Anne Hodge (Coimeádaí Priontaí agus Líníochtaí), mionscagadh ar spéiseanna agus ar spreagthaí J.M.W. Turner mar ealaíontóir agus ar Henry Vaughan mar bhailitheoir. I measc na n-oibreacha atá ar iasacht ó Ghailearaithe Náisiúnta na hAlban tá mionradhairc thopagrafacha ó na 1790idí, agus uiscedhathanna bríomhara léiritheacha na Veinéise agus na nAlp Eilvéiseach a théann siar go dtí na 1830idí agus 1840idí. Cuimseoidh an taispeántas seo gairmréim iomlán Turner agus léireoidh sé a theicnící nuálacha.
250 Bliain de J.M.W. Turner a Cheiliúradh
Is é 2025 comóradh 250 bliain ó rugadh J.M.W. Turner, a bhfuil cáil go forleathan air mar dhuine de na péintéirí tírdhreacha is fearr riamh. Tá béim leagtha in a chuid uiscedhathanna ar a mháistreacht ar an solas, ar dhathanna agus ar atmaisféar, agus ar a chumas aird a tharraingt ar eispéireas an duine laistigh den domhan nádúrtha i gcoitinne. In 1900, fuair Gailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann agus Gailearaí Náisiúnta na hAlban tiomnachtaí uiscedhathanna agus líníochtaí le J.M.W. Turner (1775–1851) ón mbailitheoir Henry Vaughan (1809-1899). Ina uacht, roinn Vaughan a bhailiúchán d’uiscedhathanna Turner idir na gailearaithe náisiúnta i mBaile Átha Cliath, i nDún Éideann agus i Londain, ar coinníoll nach gcuirfí ar taispeáint iad ach ar feadh mhí Eanáir ar fad, gach bliain, saor in aisce. Ó 1901 i leith, tá an traidisiún seo á choimeád ag Gailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann agus Gailearaithe Náisiúnta na hAlban.
I measc bhuaicphointí an taispeántais i mBaile Átha Cliath tá Venice from the Lagoon (1840), The Piazzetta, Venice (1840), Loch Coruisg, Skye (1831-34) atá an-drámatúil, agus Sea View (ó lár na 1820idí).
Dúirt an Dr Caroline Campbell, Stiúrthóir Ghailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann: “Tá lúcháir orm an comhoibriú nua seo le Gailearaithe Náisiúnta na hAlban a fhógairt, tar éis an taispeántais an-rathúil Lavery: On Location. Seo deis faoi leith do lucht spéise na hÉireann cuairt a thabhairt ar bhailiúchán uiscedhathanna Ghailearaí Náisiúnta na hAlban de chuid Turner– duine de na dathadóirí is fearr i stair na healaíne. Tá lúcháir orainn freisin go mbeidh lucht spéise na hAlban in ann taitneamh a bhaint as Turners draíochtúla Ghailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann.
Thiomnaigh Henry Vaughan an dá ghrúpa saothar i 1900, faoin gcoinníoll nach dtaispeánfaí iad ach i rith mhí Eanáir. Is imeacht a mbítear ag súil go mór leis i nDún Éideann agus i mBaile Átha Cliath araon é taispeáint bhliantúil na Turners ó Thiomnacht Vaughan. Seo an chéad uair a rinne ár dhá Ghailearaí Náisiúnta ár Turners ó Thiomnacht Vaughan a mhalartú. Tá sé iontach a bheith ag obair lenár gcomhpháirtithe i nDún Éideann chun rud éigin nua a dhéanamh do luchtanna spéise in Éirinn agus in Albain. Gabhaimid buíochas ar leith lenár gcomhpháirtí taispeántais Grant Thornton, as a dtacaíocht trína gcuirtear na heispéiris uathúla seo ar fáil.”
Dúirt Anne Lyden, Ard-Stiúrthóir Ghailearaithe Náisiúnta na hAlban: “Is traidisiún luachmhar é taispeáint bhliantúil uiscedhathanna Turner i nDún Éideann do chuairteoirí Ghailearaithe Náisiúnta na hAlban. Gach Eanáir, cuireann an taispeántas seo a mbítear ag súil leis tús spreagúil agus lúcháireach le bliain nua. In 2025, meastar gurb oiriúnach é go ndéanaimid comóradh 250 bliain ó rugadh Turner le rud éigin sárspeisialta. Is pribhléid é dul i gcomhpháirtíocht le Gailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann sa taispeántas eisceachtúil seo, rud a ligeann dár lucht spéise coiteann saothair ó Thiomnacht Vaughan a fheiceáil, saothair nach mbíonn siad le feiceáil go minic. Tá súil agam go dtiocfaidh cuairteoirí Ghailearaithe Náisiúnta na hAlban agus na hÉireann in éineacht linn chun taitneamh a bhaint as an eispéireas uathúil seo, agus muid ag leanúint ar aghaidh ag déanamh iontais ar na saothair ealaíne spreagthacha Turner is ansa linn.”
Chuir Steve Tennant, Príomhfheidhmeannach Grant Thornton Ireland leis: “Bímid i gcónaí ag tnúth le taispeántas Turner - is cinnte gur buaicphointe dúinn é. Táimid an-bhródúil as ár gcomhpháirtíocht le Gailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann, agus tá lúcháir orainn tacú leis an seó bliantúil clúiteach seo—go háirithe i mbliana, leis an malartú stairiúil seo le Gailearaithe Náisiúnta na hAlban; i bhfianaise gur de oidhreacht na Alban atáim féin.”
Tá clár saibhir de chainteanna agus d’imeachtaí á phleanáil, clár a ligfidh do chuairteoirí na téamaí agus na teicnící ealaíne atá i láthair i saothair Turner a scrúdú. Leagfar béim sa chlár seo ar an malartú leanúnach smaointe agus taighde atá ag croílár an chomhoibrithe uathúil seo agus beidh sé oscailte do chách.
Liostáil an taispeántais
Turner’s Watercolours: Scotland’s Vaughan Bequest
Gailearaí na bPriontaí, Gailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann
Coimeádaí: Anne Hodge, Coimeádaí Priontaí agus Líníochtaí
1 – 31 Eanáir 2025
Cead isteach: Saor in aisce
Teagmháil ó na meáin:
Fiona Sexton, Bainisteoir Cumarsáide, Margaíochta & Rannpháirtíochta Digití, Gailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann. [email protected]
Nótaí don eagarthóir
• Tá íomhánna ar fáil ar iarratas. [email protected]
Is féidir agallaimh a shocrú ar iarratas le:
• Dr Caroline Campbell, Stiúrthóir Ghailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann
• Anne Hodge, Coimeádaí Priontaí agus Líníochtaí, Gailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann
Maidir le Gailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann:
Tá Gailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann ar cheann de na nithe is mó spéise do chuairteoirí sa tír agus an bailiúchán náisiúnta d’ealaín na hEorpa agus na hÉireann ó thart ar 1300 go dtí an lá inniu lonnaithe ann, chomh maith le Leabharlann agus Cartlann fhairsing. Tá an bailiúchán saor in aisce do chách chun sult a bhaint as, agus chun foghlaim agus inspreagadh a fháil.
2024 ag Gailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann:
Is é 2024 comóradh 170 bliain ó bunaíodh an Gailearaí tríd an Acht um Ghailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann (1854) agus comóradh 160 bliain ó osclaíodh Gailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann an 30 Eanáir 1864. Chomh maith leis sin foilseoidh an Gailearaí plean straitéiseach nua don tréimhse 2024-28 go luath in 2024.
Maidir le Gailearaithe Náisiúnta na hAlban:
Is sinne Gailearaithe Náisiúnta na hAlban agus is iad ár gtrí ghailearaí i nDún Éideann an Gailearaí Náisiúnta, Gailearaí na Nua-Ealaíne agus an Gailearaí Portráide. Coimeádaimid agus tugaimid aire do bhailiúchán sár-ealaíne na hAlban. Tar isteach agus taiscéalaigh scoth na seoda ealaíne idir sheoda na gcéadta bliain ó shin agus sárphortráidí ealaíne nua-aimseartha de réalta an phopcultúir. Agus, mar a bheifeá ag súil leis, an bailiúchán is fearr ar domhan d’ealaín na hAlban. Is machnaimh, brionglóide, déanaimh agus spraoi muid. Tóg isteach an ealaín. Buail le cairde sna caiféanna. Déan picnic teaghlaigh i meacs dhealbha ár thailte na Nua-Aimseartha. Faigh inspioráid ónár scannáin ealaíne iontacha. Roghnaigh do eispéireas féin. Is iomaí bealaí atá ann le taitneamh a bhaint as bailiúchán náisiúnta na hAlban. Táimid ann duit chun ár seoda a thaiscéaladh. www.nationalgalleries.org
Maidir le Grant Thornton:
Tá 3,000 duine fostaithe ag Grant Thornton ar fud na hÉireann, Beirmiúda, Giobráltar agus Oileán Mhanann. Agus láithreacht againn i mbreis is 145 tír ar fud an domhain, tugaimid duit an t-eolas áitiúil, an saineolas náisiúnta agus an láithreacht dhomhanda chun cabhrú leat agus le do ghnó a bheith rathúil - cibé áit a bhfuil tú lonnaithe. Cuirimid réitigh ar fáil do gach cineál dúshlán gnó. Roghnaíonn cliaint sinn toisc go bhfuil an raon seirbhísí airgeadais agus gnó a theastaíonn uathu ar fáil, iad curtha ar fáil go nuálaíoch agus i gcónaí de réir na gcaighdeán is airde.
Le haghaidh tuilleadh eolais tabhair cuairt ar: www.grantthornton.ie
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