Cubist painting of a procession of figures in grey, red, pink and blue.
Mainie Jellett, Western Procession. Photo, National Gallery of Ireland.

Online talk

Curator's Introductory Talk: Mainie Jellett and Evie Hone. The Art of Friendship

07 April 12.00 - 12.45

Online (via ZOOM)

Join exhibition curator Dr Brendan Rooney to learn more about our new exhibition, Mainie Jellett and Evie Hone. The Art of Friendship.

Our new exhibition is dedicated to the pioneering Irish modernists Mainie Jellett and Evie Hone, and brings together 90 of their works of art. It explores their friendship and shared experiences while studying in Paris during the early 1920s, and traces their careers back to Ireland. The exhibition highlights the early convergences and later divergences in their styles as they developed distinct artistic voices. Featuring paintings, stained glass, and preparatory drawings, it reveals how both women were trailblazers in Irish art although remaining connected to conventional themes such as religion and landscape. 

This exhibition is kindly supported by The Klesch Collection, Lead Sponsor; Friends of the National Gallery of Ireland, and the Art of Friendship Giving Circle. 

The Gallery would like to thank the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media for their ongoing support. 

  • This free talk will take place online via Zoom. Login details will be contained in the e-mail booking receipt. 
  • The talk will be recorded and made available on the Gallery's YouTube channel until the exhibition ends. This event will be accompanied by an Irish sign language interpreter. 
  • There will be time for questions after the talk.

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