A number of cows sit and stand under a hawthorn tree covered in white blossoms.
Mildred Anne Butler, Under the Hawthorn Tree, 1905. Image, Private Collection.

Online talk

Curator's Introductory Talk: Mildred Anne Butler: At Home in Nature

17 September 13.00 - 14.00

Online via ZOOM

Free, but booking is required.


Discover more about the exhibition Mildred Anne Butler: At Home in Nature with exhibition Curator Niamh MacNally.

 Mildred Anne Butler (1858–1941) was one of Ireland’s first professional women artists, who exhibited widely and sold her work well throughout her career. Born and raised at Kilmurry House, Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny, Butler’s plein-air paintings of Kilmurry and its environs combine accuracy of drawing, startling light effects, and a sense of immediacy. Butler’s large-scale watercolours also highlight her exceptional skill in the painting of flowers, trees, animals and birds.

  • This free talk will take place online via Zoom. Login details will be contained in the e-mail booking receipt. 
  • The talk will be recorded and made available on the Gallery's YouTube channel until the exhibition ends. This event will be accompanied by an Irish sign language interpreter. 
  • There will be time for questions after the talk.

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