An oil painting of a city scene. On the quays, a stall is selling books, with people gathered around looking. A woman stands by the wall, holding a child. In the background there's a bridge, and buildings silhouetted on the pink-grey sky of dusk.
Walter Frederick Osborne (1859-1903), Dublin Streets: a Vendor of Books, 1889. Photograph © National Gallery of Ireland


Pop-up Talk: Osborne's Dublin Streets: a Vendor of Books

03 September 13.15 - 13.45

Room 17

Free. No booking required.

Join us for a free, in-person lunchtime talk looking at Osborne's Dublin Streets: a Vendor of Books.

  • Meet in front of the painting in Room 17.
  • Easiest access is via the Merrion Square entrance to the Gallery, but ask any member of staff for directions.
  • Seating is available for this event in the Gallery rooms.

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