A toddler in a buggy getting her photo taken  in the Gallery
Photographer: Jack Caffrey, The Pimlico Project, 2021.


Public Tour: New Parents' Tour

14 October 14.00 - 15.00


Free. No booking required.

Join us for a free guided tour for parents, guardians, and carers of young children.

Explore a selection of highlights of the permanent collection, and get to know the Gallery spaces, with one of our friendly tour guides. All welcome!

  • Meet your tour guide in our Courtyard, near the Merrion Square information desk
  • The tour route is suitable for prams and strollers.
  • Read our Visitor Guide for more information to help you plan your visit to the Gallery.

If you can't join us this time, maybe you can next month? Our monthly New Parents' Tours take place on the second Monday of the month at 2pm.

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