Watercolour image of a stained glass window of St Patrick in an orange robe with outstretched arms surrounded by angels and other saints
Michael Healy, Saint Patrick Lighting the Paschal Fire on the Hill of Slane, c.1914. Image, National Gallery of Ireland.


Seachtain na Gaeilge: An Túr Gloine agus Gloine Dhaite na hÉireann

14 March 13.00 - 14.00

Seomra 16

Bígí linn chun léargas ar leith a fháil trí Ghaeilge ar an taispeántas An Túr Gloine: Ealaíontóirí agus an Comharghrúpa.

Labhróidh Marie Lynch, Coimeádaí Ionad um Staidéar ar Ealaín na hÉireann, faoi na téamaí, na healaíontóirí agus na saothair éagsúla sa taispeántas gloine dhaite. Pléafar freisin Titania Enchanting Bottom le Harry Clarke, ealaíontóir a bhí go mór in iomaíocht leis An Túr Gloine. Beidh neart saothair spéisiúl ó chartlann an Ionad um Staidéar ar Ealaín na hÉireann le feiscint mar chuid den ocáid seo.

Join us to get a unique insight into our exhibition An Túr Gloine: Artists and the Collective.

In this Irish language event for Seachtain na Gaeilge, Marie Lynch, Curator of the Centre for the Study of Irish Art, will talk about the various themes, artists and artworks in the stained glass exhibition. She will also discuss Titania Enchanting Bottom by Harry Clarke, an artist who was in competition with An Túr Gloine. There will be a selection of fascinating objects from the archives of the Centre for the Study of Irish Art on view as part of this event.


Na Seomraí Léitheoireachta, Seomra 36| The Library Reading Rooms, Room 36 

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