Chicken wire and found objects
This work, combining sculpture and poetry, is my response to my experiences growing up queer. It forced me to mature faster. I struggled under the weight of other people constantly making judgements or passing comments about me and I felt a disconnect between how others saw me and how I saw myself. I am now learning how to take back my power and practice self-sovereignty.
Ordinary Love
This piece aims to showcase queer love in the same light as any other love, for all the boring a beautiful reality it is.
Our love is pure, untouched, unbroken
Our love is nothing special, beautifully ordinary
It’s Cheesy rom-com dates
Cuddles before breakfast
Fighting over slices of toast
Not greedy or cheating. Not a can’t make up mind kinda phase
It’s the exact same love.
And it’s funny it’s always love we come back to.
An Ordinary love
A Comfortable love
A Safe love
My love is all of this and more
My love is pink clouds and seeking out late
My love is a universal truth
A best kept secret shouted from the rooftops
They give me life
Not he or she
Not because of what they are but who they are
They are my love
Such an extraordinary everyday love.
Let us be ordinary
A response to negative experiences some same sex couples have while out in public. It expresses the fatigue in fighting daily homophobia.
Stop making our love painful,
Stop making it sore,
Why must it change mountains and minds?
Why can’t it just sit on worn and couches and cuddle?
We’re not tokens
Not trying to be “the gay couple”
I just want to be another cliché,
Another nameless pair of hands.
It’s an ordinary love
A love like any other
Stop naming, shaming, blaming, changing
Something so pure someone I adore.
A walk, day, date it was perfect
But only before
And now it hangs heavy in the air
Every time we dare touch
A love so innocent is now poisoned
I’m so sick of owing anyone and everyone an explanation an excuse
We’ve existed we’ve marched we’ve fought
and now We Love
An exploration of growing up LGBTQIA+ in a religious environment and coming to terms with hateful teachings from home and church.
I don’t want to fight for my love
She is the world all directions all weathers,
You claim to preach verses but wont listen to a dove
She is the raging sea and clear sky.
Yet still I have to face the world and lie, say
When I look at her
My heart doesn’t leap
Truth is a world without
Her makes me weep
Staring numb until I sleep
This emotion runs too deep
Even so, when the lord my soul does reap
I believe he won’t shout or scream at us
But rather apologise for those who wouldn’t discuss
Those who claimed to preach
But, whose heart he couldn’t reach
So forever and always she’ll be mine
We won’t fight anymore
Our life pure, intertwine
Listen to the lord and let us love
I implore.
Explore more
Victoria Piekarska-Daly (Dublin, b. 2004)
A (Dublin, b. 2005)
Béibhinn Collins (Dublin, b. 2005)
Beth Stallard (Dublin, b. 2002)
Photography and sculpture
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