A photograph of a woman sitting on the steps of a caravan. She is wearing a long grey cardigan and has bare legs. Her hands are clasped in front of her.
Gerry Blake, Courtney, Living on a bus, 2021

Gerry Blake

Courtney, Living on a Bus, 2021

Photograph | Unframed: 90 x 67.5 cm; Framed: 92.5 x 70 cm 

'I met Courtney Tyler in 2021 to photograph her for my project Home Place. She had been living off-grid in her converted bus for over a year. She said it gave her a sense of independence and freedom during a time of great personal change. In this portrait, Courtney sits on the steps of the bus as someone might sit on the stoop of a house. There, on a sunny August day, she is presented in a warm, even light.'

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