Go behind the scenes with Gallery conservators, curators and the project sponsors.
This series of short films introduces the recent Lavinia Fontana Conservation and Research Project, and takes a closer look at the artist and her painting The Visit of the Queen of Sheba to King Solomon (1599).
This monumental painting can be seen in a new, free display in Room 27.
Videos by Laura Sheeran; music by Colm Mac Con Iomaire.
Video 8: New Theories
In this video, the conservation treatment is complete and preparations are underway to display Fontana's painting once again. Dr Aoife Brady, Curator of Italian and Spanish Art at the National Gallery of Ireland, discusses some of the painted details revealed during conservation, and how they suggest a new theory for the origins of this mysterious painting.
Video 7: The process of retouching
In this video, conservator Letizia Marcattili and Maria Canavan, Paintings Conservator at the National Gallery of Ireland, explain the two different styles of retouching that they used on areas of loss on Lavinia Fontana's painting.
Video 6: The varnish removal process
Maria Canavan, Paintings Conservator at the National Gallery of Ireland, talks about how the conservators removed old and discoloured varnish from Lavinia Fontana's painting.
Video 5: Bringing science to art
Maria Canavan, Paintings Conservator, talks about how scientific analysis of the painting has revealed new information about Fontana's artistic process and the pigments she used.
Video 4: Discovering the hidden details
Maria Canavan, Paintings Conservator, discusses the hidden details of the painting revealed during technical examination.
Video 3: The story behind the painting
Dr Aoife Brady, Curator of Italian and Spanish Art, takes a closer look at Fontana's monumental painting.
Video 2: Who was Lavinia Fontana?
Dr Aoife Brady, Curator of Italian and Spanish Art, provides some insights into the life of this pioneering artist.
Video 1: Introducing the Lavinia Fontana Conservation and Research Project
Watch the Gallery team de-install Lavinia Fontana's painting and bring it behind the scenes to the conservation studio. We are also joined by Rena De Sisto, Global Arts and Culture Executive, Bank of America, discussing the funding opportunities provided by the Bank, and why this painting was chosen as a grant recipient.
Funding for the conservation of this artwork was generously provided through a grant from the Bank of America Art Conservation Project.

In the Gallery Shop
The Crowning Glory: Lavinia Fontana's Queen of Sheba and King Solomon
This new publication offers insights into the life and work of Lavinia Fontana, a preeminent sixteenth-century Italian painter.
Explore more
The Artist and her Studio
Discover Lavinia Fontana's painting techniques and pigments.