Painting of a male figure in profile, wearing black glasses, a blue top and holding a globe in a kitchen.
Kate Glanville, One World. © Kate Glanville. Photo, National Gallery of Ireland.

Kate Glanville

Age 16

One World, 2024

Colouring pencil and paint on paper 

‘One World is a coloured pencil portrait of my father in our kitchen, studying a globe. I chose him for this drawing because, as a geographer and a father in a multicultural family, he puts globalisation and the world foremost in his life. The globe displays Asia, symbolising my Chinese heritage. Inspired by family, I wanted to capture the fleeting feeling of a memory, as if the viewer is transported to that moment. The title reflects the idea that we all share the same home. In a time of environmental and political unrest, I believe it’s crucial to remember the value of our planet. Even in quiet spaces like a kitchen, gratitude for the world can create change.’

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