An oil portriat of a woman who is in front of a white wall. She wears a black jacket over a white tshirt, and her hair is windswept around her face, the features of which are quite abstract.
Síobhra O'Reardon Farrell (Dublin, aged 17), Elodie, 2019.

Síobhra O'Reardon Farrell (aged 17)


Oil on canvas board 

Síobhra says: "I've been doing art since I was about nine, focusing on portraiture but eventually breaking away to experiment more. This painting of my friend Elodie, which I created with palette knives, was an exploration into the colours of portraiture. To emphasise this I simplified the eyes which are the primary focus of most portraits, to draw the viewer into the full piece rather than just one aspect."


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Shortlisted works | Age 16-18