A young woman facing us, with her hands (in woolen mittens) clasped in front of her. She is wrapped in a number of different scarves, and wears a white wool hat. Her long auburn hair falls over her shoulders, and behind her there is green foliage.
Cara Pilbeam (aged 17), Eire: Study of Young Woman, 2019.

Cara Pilbeam (aged 17) | Winner 16-18

Eire: Study of a Young Woman

Pencil on paper 

Cara (17, Louth) says: "This work is inspired by what it means to be a young woman in Ireland today, on the threshold of her future. I am layered with fabric from different countries that represent our modern day, multi-cultured Ireland. I love traditional aspects of portraiture in works by the artists John Lavery and Johannes Vermeer but I wanted to create a portrait with contemporary elements."


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