Corporate Services is tasked at a strategic level with:
- Development of a Corporate Governance Framework
- Fostering an informed, flexible and effective workforce
- Ensuring the Gallery is properly resourced
- Reporting on the Gallery’s activities to all its stakeholders
Finance is responsible for correctly processing and recording all financial transactions in the Gallery, preparing and presenting timely financial reports and implementing and maintaining an effective system of internal financial control. It is also responsible for preparing and managing the Gallery’s annual budgeting system.
Tel: + 353 1 663 3575 | Email: [email protected]
Human Resources
Human Resources promotes and facilitates a productive and supportive working environment for staff which enables them to maximise their contribution towards the achievement of Gallery objectives. HR is responsible for recruitment, training and development, employee relations, remuneration, pensions, terms and conditions of employment and staff welfare.
Tel: +353 1 6633538
The IT function manages, supports and maintains the Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) and related systems that facilitate the internal operations of the Gallery. It is also responsible for information security.
Tel: + 353 1 663 3549 | Email: [email protected]
Legal & Compliance
The Legal & Compliance Department advises on legal matters, legislative obligations and applicable codes of practice. The Gallery’s board and company secretarial functions also fall within its remit, as does responsibility for Data Protection, FOI, risk management and compliance.
Email: [email protected]
The Procurement department ensures compliance with Government & EU guidelines and Directives on Public Procurement, and provides guidance on tendering processes within the Gallery.
Tel: + 353 1 663 3549 | Email: [email protected]
Security & Safety
The Security & Safety section of the Operations Department is responsible for the Security & Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems of the Gallery. It sets the strategic security and safety direction, supports its implementation across departments and reports on security and safety compliance. Management are supported by a supervisory and frontline security team who are responsible for the security of the collection.
Tel: + 353 1 661 5133 ext. 3608 | Email: [email protected]
More information:
Privacy and Data Protection
Privacy policies, data protection, and data access requests.
Freedom of Information
Find out how to make FOI requests to the Gallery
Policies and Reports
Read the Gallery's various policies and reports.
Access to Information on the Environment
Regulations came into force on 1 May 2007
Byelaws and Governing Legislation
Read more about the key Acts which govern the Gallery.
Board of Governors and Guardians
Board of governors and guardians of the National Gallery of Irela