Special Talk: Mazzolino and Renaissance Ferrara
Location |
Lecture Theatre
Admission |
Free, but booking is essential. Book your free place here. |
To accompany the display of Ludovico Mazzolino’s Crossing of the Red Sea in the Hugh Lane Room, Professor David Ekserdjian (Emeritus Professor of Art and Film History at the University of Leicester) will give a talk on Mazzolino and Renaissance Ferrara.
Ekserdjian is a leading authority on Northern Italian Art of the Renaissance: he is the author of the definitive monographs on Correggio (1997) and Parmigianino (2006). He has also been commissioned to write the preface of a new monograph on the Ferrarese artist Ludovico Mazzolino by Andrei Bliznukov.
Professor Ekserdjian’s career began at the University of Oxford, where he was a fellow of Balliol and Corpus Christi colleges. He then worked for Christies from 1991 to 1997, before taking up the editorship of Apollo magazine from 1997 to 2004, and from there moving to the University of Leicester. Ekserdjian has served as a trustee of the National Gallery, Tate, and Sir John Soane’s Museum in London. In 2017 he was appointed the Slade Professor in History of Art at the University of Oxford.
This talk is presented in partnership with Trinity College Dublin’s History of Art and Architecture research seminar.
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